
Monday, January 24

Shaping international affairs: The Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University

again: theres about a half foot of snow on the ground, but it could have been a lot worse, so i'm not complaining. roads have been cleared and all is well on the western front. Today i'm sitting at the starbucks in downtown annapolis, facing the city dock and sipping on a grande cafe mocha. damn it's good. pretty ridiculous how pleasantly happy and contented i am.
i'm missing all the folks at home, and my diaspora of friends around the world! good pal just graduated from TBS, so he's back at home now, while i'm just hanging out here for the next year and a half, getting more education. i'm going to be doing the same old stuff, aikido et al... the great anchor.
really looking forward to going home for a bit over the summer, seeing everyone and the motherland. eating food and going to the beach maybe, working out, meeting up with people. it'll be sweet.
a friend of mine had great away message: "don't sit still, you might get stuck that way." that's kind of interesting, maybe i'll be a rolling stone. fact is, i know i'm going to be a rolling stone for a while. can't wait, really. living with minimal stuff, hopefully someplace warm, like singapore or the region.
ok enough blabbing- you all take care now, sleep easy yut.

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