
Saturday, May 31

hello dear readers, how's everything? now i'm in sasebo japan for my cruise. pronblem is the ship isnt really getting underway or anything, but we're getting some awesome antiterrorism training here. also its raining quite a bit. well what to do.....

Tuesday, May 27

now its been quite a while since the last blogs, but hey we've been busy like siao. okay here it is....
tomorrow off to sasebo japan for cruise, then back stateside sometime in the end of june, then back in the DC area late june for summer aikido camp... then a wek or so off perhaps to spend with katherine? i dont know. i hope so but hey who knows what might pop up. so you all take care and have fun i'll post periodically and maybe even send a real postcard to some of you out there. cheers.

Monday, May 19

You're the best -- you know it, as does everyone
else (except for US News and World Report every
few years). You might not be hip, you might not
be pretty, but you're smart as a whip and you
never need to do another impressive thing in
your life.

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