
Friday, April 2

some new pics up, btw

Happy Tree Friends

well i was saying that life goes on and all is well. frankly, hitting a week of midterms right after spring break is less than ideal although i think its quite alright, compared to having your friend die upon coming back from a holiday. once in 2001, and again in 2002. sucks. sorry if you have to read this, roof beam high raising girl.

a ladies' man loves himself more than the ladies he's with, is that true?

what of the change in seasons? its frickin april! warm up, damn it! just fyi, its still about 35F and rainy here where the "severn meets the bay". windy and cold, but still a lot warmer than the dead of winter. i suppose theres really nothing to complain about. in a couple of months i will be returning home to relax for a bit, i hope. damn shiok as always to go home.

hmm thus far i have whined about the weather, complained about everything, and said nothing positive. hmmm. i really am in a rather happy mood, just that i'm really bored nowsadays, nothing very exciting going on. never again, please. the next time i'm going to be a better person.

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