
Thursday, January 29

hullo hullo, what a week and a half it's been- lots of drama and action. first: i messed my hip up with some fractures and torn ligaments, then other affairs of the heart happened. anyway i'm laying low and learning how to be a human all over again. not much PT or training for me for a little while, i'll tell you that much. so even after all those incredible george-beatings and ukemi practice, i am still breakable, still human, especialy when my feet are bound in a snowbaord. for a while, i thought of myself as perhaps good enough at taking falls that i cant easily be hurt. how silly of me, but hey life goes on.

just glad that i'm alive and kicking, even if i just got out of a wheelchaair. be lucid! that's my carpe diem- happy chinese new year to you all.

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