
Friday, October 4

okay so now it's thursday night! just got my ass whupped at aikido by doug sensei, i think i feel very well massaged by my numerous landings on the mat on various parts and at various speeds by various people. very fun. fatboy slim on the stereo tonight i need the mindless adrenaline to plow through homework or i will just collapse and die. strange- its like 78 degrees outside tonight on an OCTOBER night why the hell is it so hot?

do stuff and carry on with life is what i say; i think the romantics and the Gothic in particular are still relevant in a limited, fluffy way, though. what we need is a balance.... a via media! then we will be cool......... singaporeans shouldnt complain- we came into the market pretty late so we have a system which pretty much has taken care of many of the flaws faced by systems in the past: like buying the latest PDA; we're top of the line if we dont get complacent.

okay heres the quote of the day: "here, have a beer!"-Maj Tony Heideman, USMC

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