
Friday, October 11

dearest shipmates and anyone else who tunes in, my warm greetings.

ever wondered if there's a limit to personal possessions where one man can find only negligible utility for his last dollar? well i just got this letter asking if i might be interested in a golf tournament in Puerto Rico this december. wow, how fricking frivolous is that? five days of golf and cigars, expensive dinners and shit. the total cost including lodging excepting airfare is $5000. thats a lot of fucking money for five days, just to hang out with rich, fat, old, successful at accumulating wealth types.

geez. anyways......i was just about to say that we should be doing things for the purpose of perfection/excellence, perhaps? get home after work to east coast, hit up some evening drives, walk down the beach with significant other, dinner, then walk back home. nice, huh? hmmm. i wonder how my parents are. okay so. very well carry on.

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